Current Works

14th February 2022 Update

Works are progressing well for the final stages of the Renwick AC Water Replacements project. The new watermain has been connected on Uxbridge Street.

The new watermain on Anglesea Street is installed and will be connected on Wednesday 16th of February. The final length of watermain is on Inkerman Street between Clyde Street and State Highway 63. This will be connected on Monday 21st February.

Following the connections of the watermains we will be working on getting the road sealed and all the footpaths and berms tidied up.

The works are expected to finish mid-March.

Thanks for all your patience during this time.

10th January 2022 Update

Simcox have started work again on the Renwick AC Water Replacements Project in Renwick. The remaining roads to be completed are shown on the diagram below.

The works are expected to be completed in March. There may be some tidy up works required after this to finish the footpaths, berms etc but they will all be completed promptly before we leave site.


  • Starting now and to be completed in March.
  • We will have 3 crews working at the same time, one on each site shown below.


Traffic Impact:

  • The works on Anglesea St will be completed under a traffic light stop / go system.
  • The works on Uxbridge St and Inkerman St will be completed under one-way systems.
  • On street parking will be affected during these times.
  • Access will be maintained to all properties throughout the project.
13th September 2021 Update

The works in Renwick had to stop over the lock down but we have since re-started works and finished sealing the road in Kowhai Drive and Chante Crescent.

The next stage of works is going to be along Brook Street (between Havelock Street and State Highway 6). During these works the road is going to be turned in to a one-way system. That means cars will have to access Brook Street from Havelock Street. Cars that are travelling along State Highway 6 will be required to go around the block in order to access Brook Street. The parking on Brook Street will be maintained for the school.

26th July 2021 Update

Works are now completely finished on Boyce St and traffic has been opened back up to 2-ways.

Our crew are now working on the intersection of Kowhai Drive and Chante Crescent. The recent wet weather has slowed down progress but we are hoping to be finished in this area by the end of August.

Please feel free to stop and talk to any of our teams if you have any concerns or questions.

29th June 2021 Update

The new watermain on Boyce Street (from River Terrace to Anglesea Street) was successfully connected on Tuesday night, 22nd June 2021.
We now have some final tidy up works to complete on the watermain and then the road will be asphalted and re-opened.

The next stage of works is going to be in Kowhai Drive and Chante Crescent. This stage is expected to take 6 – 7 weeks.

We appreciate your patience during these works.

10th May 2021 Update

Trenching has started today for the Renwick AC Water Replacements (West) project.

Boyce Street has now been closed to a one-lane system and will remain closed until the end of June 2021.

We have also set up a site office at 48 Inkerman Street.

Disturbance in this area will be kept to a minimum. This area will mainly be used for storing materials and equipment.

Come and talk to our friendly team if you need any more information.

Renwich AC Water Replacements (West)

Start Work Notice - 11 October 2021 Inkerman Street

Starting today Simcox are going to be working in your area to replace all of the old asbestos cement watermains. The affected areas are shown on the map below. All roads will be reinstated as soon as possible after works are complete.

The majority of the works take place in the road so street trees will not be affected. Driveways and berms may be temporarily affected but they will be reinstated to their original condition after we have finished.


  • Starting on Monday the 11th of October the trenching will be starting at the northern end of Inkerman St.
  • The works will progress in stages with each stage being completed and tidied before the next stage is started up.
  • The works highlighted below on Inkerman St and Havelock St are expected to be completed by Christmas this year.


Please download the PDF to whos the location of new water main.


  • During working hours (7:00 am to 5:30 pm) the site will be set up as a one-way system.
  • The one-way system will reduce the need for traffic lights which will mean less queueing and less waiting on the road. However, it will mean that in order to get in to Renwick town you will need use an alternative way (such as via Uxbridge St or Alma St)
  • On street parking will be affected during these times.
  • Access will be maintained to all properties throughout the project.
Download PDF
Start Work Notice - 11 October 2021 - Anglesea Street

Starting today Findlater and Simcox are going to be working in your area to replace all of the old asbestos cement watermains. The affected areas are shown on the map below. All roads will be reinstated as soon as possible after works are complete.

The majority of the works take place in the road so street trees will not be affected. Driveways and berms may be temporarily affected but they will be reinstated to their original condition after we have finished.


  • Starting on Monday the 11th of October the trenching will be starting at the northern end of Anglesea St.
  • The works between SH6 and Boyce St are expected to be completed by the end of November.
  • The works between Boyce St and SH63 are expected to be completed by February next year.
  • The whole site will be tidied and backfilled for the Christmas break.


Please download the PDF to whos the location of new water main.


  • During working hours (7:00 am to 5:30 pm) the site will be set up with 2 way traffic lights or as a one-way system.
  • The one-way system will reduce the need for traffic lights which will mean less queueing and less waiting on the road. However, it will mean that in order to get in to Renwick town you will need to drive up Boyce St or go south on Anglesea St and use an alternative way (such as via Inkerman St or Alma St)
  • On street parking will be affected during these times.
  • Access will be maintained to all properties throughout the project.
Download PDF
Start Work Notice - 19 April 2021

What: Replacing all of the old asbestos cement watermains

Where: Renwich - as per map attached.

When: 26 April 2021 to 17 December 2021

Contact: Simcox Construction - Project Communications: Tom Keall-Grant - Email:

Starting on April 26th Simcox is going to be working in your area to replace all of the old asbestos cement watermains. The affected streets are shown on the map below. The works are generally going to progress from West to East. We will provide further information to the residents along each street 1 week before works is starting in their area. All roads will be reinstated as soon as possible after works are complete.

The majority of the works take place in the road so street trees will not be affected. Driveways and berms will not be affected except for where we need to connect the water main to the house connections.


  • Starting on Monday the 26th of April there will be 4 weeks of investigation works which will be happening on all the streets shown below.
  • In mid-May the trenching for the new watermain will be starting on Boyce St.
  • Following this the works will progress to Chante Cr, Kowhai Dr, Inkerman St, Havelock St then Uxbridge St. A second team will be completing the works on Anglesea St starting in Late May and finishing in August.
  • The works will be completed by the end of this year.


  • Boyce Street will be set up as a one-way system. This will prevent the need for having stop / go traffic or traffic lights on the street which will reduce traffic queues.
  • The remaining streets will require stop / go or traffic lights. This will be reduced to keep both lanes open whenever possible.
  • At night and over the weekend the roads will be opened back up to one lane in each direction.
  • On street parking will be affected during these times.
  • Access will be maintained to all properties throughout the project.

Please donwload the PDF for mpr information about the work area and relevant dates.

Download PDF