Most Progressive Contractor: Awarded to Simcox Construction
In this award the judges recognised (through their assessment of the Waikawa Marina project entry) the progress Simcox Construction had made in the past year.
Separable Portion 1 of this contract has involved reclaiming 460m of land along ‘The Snout’ in the Marlborough Sounds. This reclaimed land is roughly 15m wide on average to accommodate 2 traffic lanes, carparking, three amenities buildings, kerbing, footpath and in some places, timber boardwalks and timber jetty abutments. There has been over 33,000m3 of fill material and over 4,000T of armour rock (including geogrid and geofabric layers) placed by a GPS enabled 34t digger and a GPS 26t long reach digger for the deeper sections. More than 3,000 truck and trailer loads of rock had to be carted through the heart of Picton town and Waikawa passing by 3 schools, and the main Picton town centre. It has been a great effort by the team to complete this work to a very high standard, on time and with a lot of positive feedback from the community and our client Port Marlborough.
Apart from the bulk earthworks, separable portion 1 also included the installation of 5 large diameter concrete culverts and manholes, in the tidal zone, that carry the stormwater runoff away from the prominent gullies on the adjacent hillside.
The Judges citation follows; The Waikawa Marina Extension Project demonstrated significant progress had evolved for Simcox Construction since its incorporation into Isaac Construction. In this project, Simcox demonstrated a step up in technical application using extensive quarry capability and construction control and management. The project highlighted to the judges how a strong combined culture had resulted in improved all round capability and quality assurance worthy of wider involvement in the construction industry.
Here is a link with a timelapse of the Waikawa Marina Project: